Hidden Resources — Composting Consultant
“I have managed multiple composting operations on the West Coast. Rich Flammer has been a valuable resource in helping to problem solve at many of the sites I’ve managed. His operational background is unique, in that he has real hands-on experiences to pull from. He has helped with Recology’s sites in Oregon and throughout California. His experience in odor minimization has been an asset and we’ve implemented many of his techniques.”
— Greg Pryor, General Manager, Recology Hay Road
“Rich has been a part of our operation for over 12 years now. So many consultants like to tell you what to do, but they have never actually made a living doing it themselves. Rich can do it, and I appreciated the fact that he actually started out managing compost facilities of his own earlier in his career. Through Rich’s own experiences, and through his many years of consulting, he has built quite a base of knowledge and network of connections that we have been blessed to be able to tap into. He is an easy to get along with kind of guy, meaning he can work with and command the attention of everyone on the site, from the managers at the top, to the yard personal working as laborers and equipment operators. He is very approachable and always available. I do not hesitate to call him on a Friday night or a Sunday morning if I have an idea to bounce past him or something is bothering me about the operation. Additionally, he is a literary giant, and we utilize him for everything from writing permits and grant proposals to developing advertising campaigns. With nearly 30 years in the composting industry, we wish him another 30 years of continued success.”
— Frank Konyn, President, San Pasqual Valley Soils
“Hidden Resources helped us develop a very successful onsite composting program, and used a very creative, hands-on approach to getting it designed and up and running.
I can’t imagine working with a better composting consultant. Rich clearly knows the ins and outs of managing composting programs as well as anyone in the business.”
— Del Fitchett, Landscape Superintendent, Bishop Ranch, A Sunset Development Project
“The signs provide so much good information presented in a clever, engaging way! I really enjoy working with you - always responsive, honest, outstanding concepts, enthusiastic about our mutual work!!! Your grasp of what we were trying to do and your skills as an designer, author and all round environmentalist just made the display!!!!! You did a great job! The signs look terrific!!! We would enjoy seeing your work spread in other communities. Thank you!”
— Kathryn Goddard, President, Board of Directors, Friends of Shipley Nature Center, Huntington Beach, California
“As both a member of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Council of Stamford and a staff member of the Stamford Museum and Nature Center, I would like to thank you for providing such a comprehensive composting demonstration exhibit.”
— Patricia Standaert, Assistant Director of Education, Stamford Museum and Nature Center Stamford, Connecticut
“Last April, I asked you to review a script for the home composting video that I was working on. Well, it is finally finished , and just in time for this autumn’s leaf season! Thank you for the time and thought you put into your comments, for providing filming locations and composting tools, and for making personal appearances in the video. The CT DEP is distributing copies to 206 public libraries, 12 recycling regions, 9 cooperative extension offices, and will make the program available to all public service and local access cable TV stations.”
— K.C. Alexander, Organics Recycling Specialist, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection