When you hire us, you add an expert to your team.
Here's a snapshot of the experience of Hidden Resources' Principal, Rich Flammer:
✔ 32+ years of extensive hands-on composting experience in nine U.S. states and Mexico, beginning his career working on compost sites as a monitoring technician, project manager and facility operator
✔ Has assisted more than 80 large-scale composting facilities with design, permitting, regulatory compliance, process monitoring, recipe mix formulation, operational efficiency evaluation, odor mitigation/remediation, contamination minimization, capacity maximization, finished product marketing, staff training and public relations
✔ Designed three permanent home composting exhibits, appeared in two instructional videos, has written instructional manuals, promotional materials, editorial pieces, gives lectures and conducts workshops on a regular basis, and is Contributing Editor of the BioCycle Journal of Composting and Organics Recycling
✔ Has worked on public policy formation, rulemaking development for state composting regulation, composting technology assessment and development, and conducted seven regional studies evaluating 58 individual municipal composting programs.