Contact us for a free consultation on your jurisdiction’s preparedness or compliance with SB 1833, AB 1826, and AB 876.
Capacity and infrastructure analysis and planning for compliance with SB 1833 and AB 876.
Development or review of education, outreach, and monitoring plans for businesses in your jurisdiction under requirements of AB 1826.
Review of jurisdiction’s compliance with AB 1826 and SB 1383, identifying gaps and recommending methods to close them.
Source reduction, food recovery and decentralized composting infrastructure studies.
Zoning ordinance analysis to ensure language is consistent with facilitation of composting infrastructure expansion and in compliance with California’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals (SB 32) and SB 1383 / AB 341 compliance requirements.
Procurement analysis (compost, renewable gas, electricity from biomass conversion and mulch) in fulfillment of SB 1383 requirements.
Development of education, promotion and outreach plans to facilitate usage of locally-produced compost and mulch in fulfillment of procurement requirements of AB 876, AB 1826, and SB 1383 and climate action plans.
Draft language for jurisdictions to specify quality and use of locally manufactured recycled organics products, such as compost and mulch.
Collection rate and franchise agreement analysis.
Compost market planning and development for material that was previously used as ADC and no longer receives diversion credit per AB 1594.